Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Milestone - 6 months!

It seems like it happened much longer ago. 

Went for my 6 month check up this morning.  Did not expect results right away and so was not particularly stressed just a little uneasy to go back to the place where it all started. 

When they told me they would have results before I left, was the exact second that I started to hate the fact that you can't put deodorant on before a mammogram.
When they asked me to come back for a second round of radiographs, I was pretty bummed, although the nurse did say that it's kind of normal to need more detail after surgery.

It is ok though - there are calcifications on my right breast that are of some concern to monitor, but they were there before. My left is apparently stellar -  I have body parts on differing schedules, the right side is on a 6 month schedule, the left side is on a 12 month schedule.

I have survived cancer 6 months.

I love good news!!!! 

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